

Class Notes: Database Concepts and Structured Query Language (SQL)

Class Notes: Database Concepts and Structured Query Language (SQL)

1. Database Concepts

  • What is a Database?
    • A database is a collection of information or data organized in a way that it can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. For example, a school database can store student details like names, roll numbers, marks, etc.
  • Why Do We Need Databases?
    • To store data systematically.
    • To retrieve or update data quickly.
    • To avoid data duplication or mistakes.
  • What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?
    • A DBMS is software used to manage databases. It helps users create, store, and retrieve data easily.
    • Examples: MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

2. Relational Data Model

  • A relational database organizes data into tables, where each table is called a relation.
  • Key Terms:
    • Domain: A set of allowed values for a column. For example, the “Grade” column in a table may allow values like A, B, C, etc.
    • Tuple: A row in a table. Each row stores information about one entry.
    • Relation: A table in the database.
    • Candidate Key: A column (or a set of columns) that can uniquely identify a row in a table.
    • Primary Key: A column selected as the unique identifier for the table. For example, the “Roll Number” column can be a primary key.
    • Alternate Key: Other columns that can also act as a candidate key but are not selected as the primary key.

3. Advantages of SQL (Structured Query Language)

  • SQL is used to manage and interact with databases.
  • Benefits:
    • Easy to use and learn.
    • Allows fast data retrieval and updates.
    • Helps maintain large datasets efficiently.
    • Works with different database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

4. Categories of SQL

  1. Data Definition Language (DDL):
    • Used to define the structure of a database.
    • Commands:
      • CREATE: To create a database or table.
      • DROP: To delete a database or table.
      • ALTER: To modify the structure of a table.
  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML):
    • Used to retrieve data from a database.
    • Commands:
      • SELECT: To retrieve specific data from a table.
      • Used to change or manipulate data in a database.
      • Commands:
        • INSERT: To add new data.
        • UPDATE: To modify existing data.
        • DELETE: To remove data from a table.

5. Introduction to MySQL

  • What is MySQL?
    MySQL is an open-source database management system that uses SQL to manage and query data.
  • Steps to Use MySQL:
    • Install MySQL software.
    • Use commands to create and manage databases.
  • Data Types in MySQL:
    • INT: To store numbers.
    • VARCHAR: To store text data.
    • DATE: To store dates.

6. Common SQL Commands

  1. Data Definition (DDL):
    • CREATE DATABASE: To create a new database.
      Example: CREATE DATABASE School;
    • CREATE TABLE: To create a table with specific columns.
      Example:sqlCopy codeCREATE TABLE Students ( RollNo INT, Name VARCHAR(50), Class INT );
    • DROP: To delete a database or table.
      Example: DROP TABLE Students;
    • ALTER: To modify a table.
      Example: ALTER TABLE Students ADD Marks INT;
  2. Data Manipulation (DML):
    • SELECT: To retrieve data.
      Example: SELECT * FROM Students;
    • WHERE: To filter data based on conditions.
      Example: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Class = 10;
    • Relational Operators:
      • = (equal to), < (less than), > (greater than), >=, <=
    • Logical Operators:
      • AND, OR, NOT
    • Special Operators:
      • BETWEEN: To filter data within a range.
        Example: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Marks BETWEEN 40 AND 80;
      • IS NULL: To find empty values.
        Example: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE Marks IS NULL;
    • INSERT
      • INSERT: To add new data.
        Example:sqlCopy codeINSERT INTO Students (RollNo, Name, Class) VALUES (1, 'John', 10);
    • DELETE
      • DELETE: To remove data.
        Example: DELETE FROM Students WHERE RollNo = 1;
    • UPDATE
      • UPDATE: To modify data.
        Example:sqlCopy codeUPDATE Students SET Marks = 90 WHERE RollNo = 1;

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