

Consider the following table ‘Furniture’. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).

Consider the following table ‘Furniture’. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).


Table: Furniture

10023 Coffee table 4000 19-DEC-2016 W03
10001 Dining table 20500 12-JAN-2017 W01
10012 Sofa 35000 06-JUN-2016 W02
10024 Chair 2500 07-APR-2017 W03
10090 Cabinet 18000 31-MAR-2015 W02

  1. To display FCODE, NAME, and PRICE of items that have Price less than 5,000.
  2. To display NAMES and PRICE of those Furniture Items that have ‘table’ anywhere in their names.
  3. To display WCode of Furniture Items. There should be no duplicate values.
  4. To display the NAMES and PRICE increased by 500.00 of all the furniture items.
    (Price should only be displayed as increased; there should be no increase in the data in the table)
  5. To display FCODE and NAME of each Furniture Item in descending order of FCODE.
  6. To display the details of all the Furniture Items which have Manufacturing date (MANUFDATE) between 01-JAN-2016 and 15-JUN-2017 (inclusive of both the dates).
  7. To display the average PRICE of all the Furniture Items, which are made of Wood with WCODE as W02.
  8. To display WCODE wise, WCODE and the highest price of Furniture Items.

SQL Queries:

  • (ix) SELECT SUM(PRICE) FROM Furniture WHERE WCODE=’W03’;

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